Ube Cheese Jelly



1 cup water
1 tsp ube extract, divided in two half teaspoons
1 tbsp clear unflavored gulaman powder
2 tsp sugar
1-140 ml Angel Kremdensada
½ cup Angel Evaporada
½ cup cooked mini sago
¼ cup grated cheddar cheese



  1. In a small pot, bring water to a boil, turn off heat, and add ½ teaspoon ube extract. Let cool.
  2. Sprinkle gulaman powder into the tea and bring to a soft boil.
  3. Remove from heat and pour into a square or rectangular mold. Let it set for 4 hours before slicing into cubes.
  4. In a bowl, combine Angel Kremdensada and ½ teaspoon ube extract. Toss in ube jelly and sago until coated through. Chill jelly for at least 2 hours.
  5. Scoop into bowls and sprinkle with cheese. Serve cold.

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