Toffeenut Iced Coffee



Toffeenut Sauce:
¼ cup sugar
1 tbsp butter
half can Angel Kremdensada, room temperature
pinch of salt
2 tsp instant coffee
1 ½ tbsp Birch Tree Full Cream Milk Powder
1 cup hot water
ice cubes
half can Angel Kremdensada, chilled for 6 hours or overnight
lightly toasted peanuts, chopped – optional





  2. Melt sugar in a saucepan over low heat until it turns into golden brown color.
  3. Turn off heat and add butter. Quickly stir using a non-stick spatula or wooden soon.
  4. Add half can Angel Kremdensada. Turn on heat at medium low and simmer until thick. Add a pinch of salt. You can tell if done when the sauce covers the back of your spoon.
  5. Let cool and set aside. Transfer to a squeeze bottle if you like.
    1. COFFEE::


      1. COFFEE:
      2. Combine all ingredients in a cup. Stir until granules dissolves.
        1. TO ASSEMBLE::


          1. TO ASSEMBLE:
          2. Whip chilled Angel Kremdensada until light and fluffy. Transfer to a pastry bag with tip if desired. Chill and set aside.
          3. Drizzle toffeenut sauce around the coffee mug about 1 Tablespoon. Add ice cubes. Pour coffee and top with whipped cream. Drizzle with more toffeenut sauce and top with chopped toasted nuts.

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