Creamy Adobong Kangkong

1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 tbsp soy sauce
½ tbsp liquid seasoning
½ tbsp vinegar
¼ cup water
2 tali kangkong, cut-up stems and leaves
2 tbsp Angel Kremdensada
2 tsp store bought fried garlic chips
- Heat olive oil and butter in a medium size wok. Saute garlic until soft and aromatic.
- Add soy sauce, liquid seasoning, vinegar and water. Bring to a quick boil.
- Add kangkong. Cover and let it simmer for 3-4 minutes or until kangkong is half done.
- Stir in Angel Kremdensada. Cook further until it simmers.
- Immediately remove from heat and serve.